Dumb shit I feel like sharing.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

my chipotle experience

Working in the greater metro west rt 9 area I have a large assortment of eateries. Sushi, burgers, pizza,chain restaurants, expensive steak houses,fast food so on so forth.I work in a large shopping plaza and have 45 minutes for break every day. That limits me to ordering ahead and fighting weekend mall traffic, or eating in a Taco Bell. I was excited months ago when I saw a Chipotle Mexican burrito bar was coming soon on the opposite side of the parking lot. Having enjoyed Chipotle once or twice before, I was excited knowing it was the shit and coming. I've experienced a lions share of Mexican style food and burritos. Taco Bell, Qdoba, mom and pop burrito joints in downtown Boston,Acapulco's,stands, Tina's microwave burritos,Anna's taqueria, Sunset Cantina ,a small taqueria in Waltham, Carl's and the list could go on for decades. I took my first journey to Chipotle Thursday at approximately 2pm.I was excited, the smell of burrito and burrito components filled my nostrils. My pupils dilated. I was ready, I get to the front door and there was some fucking heifer with a clip board and coupons talking to some one blocking the door way. I figured OK..it was grand opening day, maybe some promotion for filling out a survey. I had no interest in waiting so I tried to sneak around her. The cow opened her mouth, her utters swayed as she mooed out " do you have an invitation?" In the back of my mind I thought this was some sort of exclusive burrito club and felt rejected. In a half joking way I reached into my pocket and pulled out a $10 and said "yea...isn't this what people need to get in?" Har har Unamused, Bessie huffed a huge sigh through her snout that was missing the cliche gold ring and said " Today is an invitation only opening. Tomorrow is the grand opening to the public." What the fuck? The customer is always right, I had $ and a desire to check their place out. I went to Brueggers next door and got a Herby Turkey sandwich and went back to work somewhat fuming. When I got to my place of work one of the employees made it know to me that on Wednesday, my day off the lovely people at Chipotle came by and gave out 50 free burrito/private opening invitations for the employees and that they had set 4 aside for me. A crushing blow to my nuts. As I ate my Herby Turkey on a bagel softwich.
At approximate 230pm I went on break. Arrived at Chipotle 5 minutes later for attempt #2. This time went a little better, I was not greeted by an over zealous bovine bouncer at the door. The line was reasonably short, however most people were new to the world of burrito construction,ordering and consumption. A 10 minute lecture on the difference between roasted chili corn salsa vs medium tomatillo green salsa (which is not very green) vs guacamole which is green but not a salsa. And black vs pinto beans was over heard between a Chipotle shredded beef slinger and some old geezer.
My turn is up. Having an infinite amount of time to study,memorize and become quite versed with the menu, I stepped up and spit out my order with exact order and precision. Chicken burrito, black beans,chili corn salsa little bit of sour cream and cheese. I was greeted by a red haired round red faced rotund Irish woman with a southern accent. while I was rattling my order off she interrupted me at every syllable asking me if I was sure , and told me my other options. I was trying to keep things moving smoothly and she bogged me down. I was annoyed.she could tell after she told me that the hot salsa was hot and mild was a little bit and medium was in between. As I approached the point of sale I noticed a small printed out sign that says " starting at 3:00pm ,the first 300 customers will receive a free shirt, drink and a coupon for a free burrito on their next visit". I looked at my cell phone clock. 2:48. I asked if I could get that stuff 12 minutes early...the supervisor running the register area said sorry. 3:00pm means 3:00 pm. I was not happy, I asked for my soda cup and went to the soda fountain. I inspected the choices. Typical Coke, Diet Coke, Lemonade, Root Beer, Sprite and water. I filled up on Diet Coke, then saw they had a variety of Tabasco brand hot sauces, that served some relief. I took my burrito in the plastic basket and soda and sat in a corner on a fairly comfortable chair. On top of a marble table w/ stainless steel trim. Looking at the menu and checking out the front line.lo and behold the same red haired round red faced rotund Irish woman with a southern accent.was not interrupting any one else who was ordering their burrito. And it was getting close to 3:00 pm. Shirts started appearing. Coupons were being handed back with change and cups were stacked up and handed out to all who came. Sitting with my burrito in defeat I figured that the heifer from Thursday pointed me out for being a dick with a lame joke trying to get in. A wanted poster or "bust this guys balls bulletin" was handed out with my picture. Saturday: I went back again. With back up. A co-worker of mine. He isn't a big burrito guy but I sold the burrito at the place being top shelf. I explained that the Taco Bell burritos or the 50 cent burritos from 7-11 freezer were nothing compared to Chipotle's. This shit was the real deal. So on the walk over he asks what they had for meat and I gave him a run down of the menu. I got my order in my head. Shredded beef, rice black beans, grilled vegs cheese and guac. He took some time and decided on chicken and such. As we approach the outdoor patio I see the red haired round red faced rotund Irish woman with a southern accent. grilling me. I figured since she was inhaling her burrito I'd have no problem in line ordering. I see the staff....no one I had seen the previous day. The people running the show looked of questionable citizenship and legal work age. I had to explain my order three times and point to each ingredient due to a possible hearing problem on their behalf or a language barrier. My burrito came out up to snuff, and I sat on a stool at a table with Dave as two C.A.Cowboys scratched scratch tickets next to us uncomfortably close and taking up as much room as possible. Tuesday: Trip #3 went worlds better.I walked in, made small talk about weather and local restaurants as my order was put together and I peppered in chicken, black beans, grilled vegs and green salsa. There was no line, no issues regarding me getting my order. I got iced tea which was phenomenal. The burrito was on point. Maybe the grand opening weekend kinks were worked out.
Ill be going back again.

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