Dumb shit I feel like sharing.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Update

2006 is out 2007 is in. Lately I've been working. My job. On a movie, and on this blog. I've seen that in the past month or so I've had 200 visits from people locally,oregon,france, spain, and morocco. How I got that much press is beyond me. So to all you, thank you. Click my google powered ad. I get 10 cents a click. Koz and I worked on something the other night that will make its way up online in the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled. Some other blog worthy notes of 2006 - I can drink more milk than Beavis. However, I can't puke as easily. (video on the way in the coming weeks) - I ate more sushi that Rory. It burned him, because the whole time he was saying "I can eat more than you, which means I'm better at life than you!" - Bill is "an artist on the bowl" - I have support from an accredited History teacher, and a Russian guy at work. Rocky IV ended the Cold war. weak post I know. I'm spent for 2006, more stuff on the way in 2007 stay tuned.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Truth Hurts

  • http://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=2714761
  • (Regarding the above link)
  • (the Names have been changed to protect the innocent/integrity)
  • J^: sounds like the doll is broken
  • Me: ya, i didnt understand wut it was sayin, i didnt hear slut though
  • J^: no me neither. at some point it sounds like the batteries run out and it adds a syllable that could kinda sound like slut if you needed or wanted it to, but it sounded more like "uhhhhhckght" to me
  • Me: ya
  • Me: sounded like a mermaid chokin on a cack
  • J^: yep, exactly what i was thinking
  • J^: "get that penis out of your mouth so I can hear you say the word slut, miss"
  • J^: hahah "how can you fuck me, im a fish?"
  • Me: in the mouth fish face
  • J^: haha
  • Me: BLOG!
  • J^: oh god
  • J^: hahah
  • Me: ?
  • J^: i'm just embarrassed to see my profanity on your blog
  • Me: so
  • Me: ill Put J^
  • Me: so no one will know
  • J^: "john koziol is embarrssed" nah do it
  • thats it until I have some actual material.
  • Back to watching Parenthood

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Glen Vs. Spike's Round 1

First and formost..... A Prom Night Reenactment
While at work at Saturday Barry and I were talking about shooting a scene for our up coming movie Lawson:White Heat when Barry mentions he would also like to hit up Spike's for hot dogs. The idea was appealed to Glen. Glen found out that if you eat 6 hot dogs from Spike's you can have your picture posted on the wall and you get a T-shirt. As finishing 6 dogs in an hour an a half with out puking,leaving the store or drinking anything but water is no easy task. So after filming. I met up with Glen,Barry, and Koz went to Spikes. We all place orders except for Glen. Glen is reviewing the rules and heavily debating His move. While we were in there and Glen was questioning this idea some Northeastern Douche (see right) had just finished his T-shirt winning hot dog run and gave Glen words of encouragement. So with delight young Glen made the request to partake in the challenge. At about 938 the delivery of 6 hotdogs, and 1 bottle of water were delivered and time counted down. Here you see a picture of Glen about to endulge in his first all beef Spike's junkyard dog. Glen finished his first dog and was feeling good. He had a sense of accomplishment. 1 dog down, 5 to go.

#2 Glen started his second hot dog shortly after finishing the first one. At this point we hear that Tommy and Egan are coming. John, Barry and myself are talking about the movie and other stuff and having a ball. Barry keeps reminding Glen to pace himself. Two gone!

Hot Dog the 3rd
We are approaching the halfway point in Glen's quest for super-hero status. Egan shows up and starts to take Glen under his wing and coach him. He lays out a strategy and keeps the motivation up.
We see here the last of the 3rd hot dog.
And here is a successful Glen after 3. Half way to a free t-shirt and a polaroid picture on the wall of Spike's


Hot Dog #4 started off strong, Then Glen started slowing down and taking his time. With 45 minutes left or so he wasn't taking his time. Under the advice of Coach Egan, and Barry, Glen got up and started to walk around trying to work out some room in his stomach. The rules state once he enters the competition he can not leave the store. So he saunters to the front window and back. Stopping along the way to draw inspiration from Uncle Sam and the Good Ol' Stars and Stripes.

* Note this wasn't taken from the Gwen Stefani "Harijuku Lover's" tour.

At this point in the night things slow down. More people start showing up. Including The Giggler(left of Glen, center 2nd picture) from Death Wish 3 came in and took a seat behind Glen. Glen worried the Giggle may steal his dogs starts to go into heavy thought. Glenn is now starting to slow down. His thought process is coming to a snail's pace. He isn't sure if he wants to continue. Cue Coach Egan.

Glen says "I'm getting full man, I can't do it. I can't"

Egan replies "Well, I've actually heard, that when you feel full, there is actually room for TWO more hot dogs."

A hearty laugh was had by all. We then start talking about a movie idea about a competitive eater and his coach, and various scenarios. After taking his time, and the notification he has 30 minutes to finish the last two dogs. Glen finishes #4. and contimplates his situation

Barry, On the phone...possibly with the media?


Glen remorseful for what he is putting his psyche, body and soul through during this Iron Man event. Moments before starting on .....


With victory 2 hot dogs away Glen starts getting psyched out by... Glen. Staring deafeat in the eye, he is feeling full and doesn't know if he can continue to WILL himself to eat more hot dogs. He has half hour or so left and 2 hot dogs. He finished the other 4 in an hour. Thats 15 minutes per dog. He has no time to waste here. He is 30 minutes away from a T-shirt and a picture on the "TOP DOG" Wall

1 episode of The Cosby Show worth of time is between normal Glen, and triumphant Glen. A Glen not bogged down by the limits of conventional hot dog consumption, but a Glen who proved to the world a small kid, a teenager, of a slight 120 pounds can hang with the big fat dudes who eat 10+ dogs, men the size of bread trucks, and some skinny little bitch. And hippies and hipsters who go "veggie dog"


Egan starts to boost morale by talking to Glen, telling him he can do it. Egan tries to get inside what's psyching Glen out. I say something to the effect of "Mind over matter , Glen. No Guts. No Glory"

Glen retorts with "My body won't let me do it, man"

Egan then asks this epic question of the ages "Who's incontrol of your body, your mind or two hot dogs?"

Glen then takes a quick bite of a hot dog.The Giggler leaves.Glen then goes into a deep philisophical internal debate. "Who's incharge? Me or 2 Hot Dogs?"

As this is going on I get up and get myself a Chili Hot Dog and sit down and eat. In a way sympathizing with Glen. Riding along side him. Pushing him toward greatness. Tommy has arrived and sits down to enjoy the last leg of Glen's epic battle vs Spike's. Glen being the good sportsman and performer takes another few bites of the 5th dog to give Tommy something to hold on to for the rest of his days.

With Coach Egan watching his back. Glen stops. And with only a few minutes and about 1 whole hot dog and 5/8 of another remaining Glen throws in the towel. After putting his mind, body, and spirit to the test he gives up while the giving is good. He stops before he reviews the contents of his stomach all over the booth. A smart man he calls it quits after a solid performance.

Glen is overjoyed he can end this grueling test.He offers up the last full Dog to Tommy. Tommy eats the dog. then Glen covers up the remnants of a dog. He does this and calls out to the guys behind the counter to stop the clock and a roar of applause and praise overtake the small hot dog shop on Boylston Street.

As we were wrapping up the notion of me drinking a gallon of milk in an hour was brought to light. Beavis was phoned and things were set to go on shortly after departing Spike's. Thats another story for another time.....