Dumb shit I feel like sharing.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Whiskey in the Jar-o

So over the past week or so there has been a few mystery aromas at work. I have a low thresh hold for offensive odors. First behind the front check outs it smells like someone killed an elephant and rammed a dead skunk up its asshole, the proceeded to shit all over it. After that went away, the soda display started smelling like bologna, then like feet I think, but other people say "rotten apples" either way it stinks and I hate it. OHHHHH I get it, My Chemical Romance are supposed to be marching band people... ITS A BLACK PARADE...those silly geese. Hey....maybe you should write good music people will remember you for, not have some chitzy gimmick instead. I had at work the other day. It was awesome and a quarter I've been watching tv and there are 2 commercials that bother me. 1) Rattle and Ride Pooh... something just doesnt sound right about that 2)The Giggle Tool bench... Giggle Tool... Blow jobs are sexual Fellations.... Any one going to be watching the college football VAGASIL BOWL Dec 10? I started work on the Terrence and Phillip Costume tonight. I have a prototype head. Its looking very good so far I called it a night about 20 minutes ago. I need 2 ovals for the eyes and the template is done. Tommorow is the Halloween party, hopefully people show up, and hopefully I take some pictures. Im excited this year. Last few years the Halloween season was a bust for me. Couple Parties, No Parties....Boring. Either shitty costumes, shitty parties, no parties, and just sitting around. Pretty lame. This year has been busy and fun so far. I went to a haunted house last night, waited almost an hour and a half, walked through a haunted house in about 20 minutes and was happy. I wish Halloween didn't sneak up as fast as it did. Even though it didn't I just had no Halloween activities planned. Maybe I'll through a Halloween themed party in February or March for no reason. I'm punching out

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