Dumb shit I feel like sharing.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween Party

So my roommates and I decided to have a little suare for All Hallow's Eve. A few weeks of planning, some carved pumpkins, and a ton of beer later the party came and gone. In May or so Bill and I were at my other apartment watching South Park the movie, and we were laughing alot at Terrence and Phillip, two Canadian comedians who fart on each other. We were dying with laughter and I said " BILL! This is our Halloween costume!" A few weeks ago the idea of having a party was mentioned, and I told Bill we can be Terrence and Phillip. He agreed with excitement. So after doing a google search worth of searching for a costume, I just decided I can make the costumes myself. So, I did. Here you see the raw materials, 2 stencils, and a sheet of cushion foam. I made a total of 3 masks. 1 prototype and 2 actual ones, and i still have 2 squares of the foam, so if you add up actual product. I made 2 costumes for 4$ Here you see the first mask after stenciling and cutting. Below you see Bill as Phillip and I as Terrence. I couldn't quite get the flip top head done. But some people got the idea, namely people who know who Terrence and Phillip are. Job well done I'd say. Alicia as Milhouse George as a Samurai Tommy as Captain Fun/ Captain Ron? Barry and his lovely date, Nina All in all it was an awesome night, other people showed up. Beavis tried to sneak into Bill's room and molest him. Other people showed up from my work. Abdi and Joon both enjoyed Barry's date Nina with Barry. Nothing was broken, or stolen. John Koziol had a mask with orange letters that said stupid. I drank a couple beers, no beer... chili and called it a night. I also drank a beer through a straw through Nina's love tunnel. George has a cereal box thats the box Nina came in . Couple hours until Alice Cooper,I'm going to be sitting here watching AMC all day cuz they have been showing horror movies all week and that makes me happy.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Whiskey in the Jar-o

So over the past week or so there has been a few mystery aromas at work. I have a low thresh hold for offensive odors. First behind the front check outs it smells like someone killed an elephant and rammed a dead skunk up its asshole, the proceeded to shit all over it. After that went away, the soda display started smelling like bologna, then like feet I think, but other people say "rotten apples" either way it stinks and I hate it. OHHHHH I get it, My Chemical Romance are supposed to be marching band people... ITS A BLACK PARADE...those silly geese. Hey....maybe you should write good music people will remember you for, not have some chitzy gimmick instead. I had at work the other day. It was awesome and a quarter I've been watching tv and there are 2 commercials that bother me. 1) Rattle and Ride Pooh... something just doesnt sound right about that 2)The Giggle Tool bench... Giggle Tool... Blow jobs are sexual Fellations.... Any one going to be watching the college football VAGASIL BOWL Dec 10? I started work on the Terrence and Phillip Costume tonight. I have a prototype head. Its looking very good so far I called it a night about 20 minutes ago. I need 2 ovals for the eyes and the template is done. Tommorow is the Halloween party, hopefully people show up, and hopefully I take some pictures. Im excited this year. Last few years the Halloween season was a bust for me. Couple Parties, No Parties....Boring. Either shitty costumes, shitty parties, no parties, and just sitting around. Pretty lame. This year has been busy and fun so far. I went to a haunted house last night, waited almost an hour and a half, walked through a haunted house in about 20 minutes and was happy. I wish Halloween didn't sneak up as fast as it did. Even though it didn't I just had no Halloween activities planned. Maybe I'll through a Halloween themed party in February or March for no reason. I'm punching out

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

things that aggrivate me

Ok...so it's been a few years since I've written down things that annoy me. - Wearing sport coats, over street clothes. Like wearing a baseball hat, jeans sneakers, and a t-shirt with some non-descript screen printed shirt and a sport coat. You still look like a douche hipster. - Tampon commercials with girls who are too close to each other giggling and one or any number of them KICK the air or do the generic boxing thing where they put their dukes up and take a couple jabs at the air. Like some subliminal message of being empowered, or fighting off their period or something. -Face painting at carnivals, fairs, festivals etc. -When people try to make a joke by being mean or mildy offensive, then before the other person has a chance to compute what was said the offender says "Just kidding" Either wait for the person to fall for what you are saying then let them know you are kidding, or dont say it at all. Hearing a person say just kidding every time they open their mouth trying to be funny is annoying as hell. -I am around more people than I can count during the day... which means I am around more people who don't wear deoderant than I care to think about. Seriously, more people are out there smelling like a steak and cheese sub or burrito with a splash of cabbage than you realize. -WBCN needs to update their playlist. We aren't in the middle of the Grunge explosion. Shit that was big 12-15 years ago is in constant rotation on WBCN.All the Ex-frat guys/Current Investment Bankers,Political Analysts, and Business Admins have to stop calling in and requesting Pearl Jam, U2, Nirvana, and Soundgarden all fucking morning. -When a train pulls up, step aside and let passengers off so room is made inside the car. Dont swim against stream and hold everyone up trying to get off the train, its a pain in the ass and it doesnt help matters if you stink like shit and breath with your mouths open. -People who buy 50$ worth of used silverware from Savers. -People who buy second hand underware from Savers -Skirts and Tights. What are you retarded? I'm going to start wearing shorts over my pants, because Teen Cosmo did a "8 super looks that will get him to notice you" article. -Homeless people -Homeless people who steal -Homeless people who steal Listerine -Homeless people who steal Listerine and think they arent being watched -Homeless people who steal Listerine and think they arent being watched and get caught -Homeless people who steal Listerine and think they arent being watched and get caught and deny they stole -Homeless people who steal Listerine and think they arent being watched and get caught and deny they stole, then admit to it and are kicked out -Homeless people who steal Listerine and think they arent being watched and get caught and deny they stole, then admit to it and are kicked out, and return an hour later and steal again -When I know I should be asleep for at least 2 and a half hours,and I'm falling asleep but I'm fighting it to stay awake, and do nothing, cuz I'm afraid I'll miss something really bothers me Thats it for now

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I have a hard on for Halloween So I decided that I'm going to try to fabricate these costumes for Bill and I I have an idea, but I'm trying to get it right. Its hard to make an Egg shaped helmet out of paper for a template....and TEMPLATES ARE MY LIFE Wednesday is movie meeting night. Thursday I'm going to a haunted mansion, Friday I'm going to try to put together the costumes, and Saturday is the party. Sunday is Alice Cooper, Monday is dumb, and Tuesday is Halloween the movie on Halloween the night. Busy stuff coming up. Its already almost November, time flies when your a useless asshole not in school living the dream of a career CVS employee. I could be making 80,000 a year