Dumb shit I feel like sharing.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I'm getting married.... Some may say my love life is pretty uneventful,boring, or at a dead end. I have my problems,bad habits,bad attitude,I'm allergic to eggs,I got a 6 dollar haircut,a lousy outside hookshot and am generally miserable.But my luck has changed. A co-worker of mine,a Vietnamese customer service associate has found something in me. She has seen past all my quirks;My junior high senses of style and humor. My hobbies including but not limited to:video games,comic books,drinking until I pass out,head butting things that don't move and waffle consumption. She sees my potential. The capability of me being a provider,a leader, a loving,caring husband and potentially a father. She sees the hope and determination in my eyes to make something of myself in this world. This woman realizes I'm at my best right now. All of that had slapped me in the face one day a few weeks ago. I was on my way from my office to the bathroom and I walked by her. She stopped me and wanted to ask me a few questions. Being the professional employee I figured it was work related,even if it was not work related I'm still polite and believe in building team cohesion in the work place. So she asked me in her own broken english "You marry,you have wife?". "No I don't.." I replied courteously She had a follow up question for me,"You have girlfriend at home?" Uncomfortable and nervous,especially around a new person asking me about my personal life,yet flattered she was asking I answered "Not really" Then my co-worker,equally as uncomfortable and nervous, asked me "You even like girl?" in a way to ease tension yet find out my preferance "Yes I do....why do you ask?" The moment of truth. I stared at the Vietnamese woman interested in me. She was smiling and her blueish tooth was sparkling. Her potato shaped head had a nervous tilt and awkward sway like a 8th grade girl at a dance talking to a crush. I was prepared for this. She started explaining in her own broken English "I have daughter in Vietnam. She live with my brother and family..." I listened intently. "She want to come to America,meet boy. What American boy like in girl?" I had a blank look on my face,she continued, "You nice man...you can call her, I won't mind. I show you picture Friday,you see her,think her beautiful,fall love,get marry." I continued to look and listen. "She 16 in school,she nice,you nice". I stopped the train "Nah Nah Nah too young...I'm an old man.Too young" she continued to tell me I'll see her and think she's beautiful and want to marry her.I then carried on my way trying to figure out what had happened. I thought of the possibility that this woman wanted me to marry her daughter to make her a U.S. Citizen. I then threw that idea right in the trash and said maybe this is it. Maybe this is true love. Maybe the one for me found me,she's just over seas. Well Friday came and went.I saw no picture,did not think any one was beautiful,nor did I fall in love and get married.I sat in my office,I was stood up,heartbroken,and defeated. I replayed the events in my head. Did I come on too strong? Did I make a bad first impression? Did she find some one else? Was I not wearing deoderant? Any situation,any scenario that could have happened for me to end up where I was,I thought out and tried to find out where I went wrong. Later in the day,I was walking around the store and ran into my Vietnamese friend again.A very awkward encounter.Nervous and fumbling greetings were exchanged. I couldn't make eye contact. I stared at the floor,or her blueish tooth, or her once pink,but now some odd hue between pink and black pair of open toe sandals. She spoke in her own broken english,"I no see you Friday...I bring picture,you no where,what happen?" I told her I was at work, Friday was busy,I got tied up with paper work in the office,she was out on the floor,I didn't see her,we were both busy. She gave me an unapproving grin and said in her own broken English,"Ok I bring picture for you this Friday..you think her beautiful,fall in love,get married...you call her Friday..but you exercise first...you're handsome,but fat" And to this day...I have yet to exercise,call her,see her picture,think shes beautiful,fall in love and get married. She'll love me no matter what. We were meant for each other.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Think about it....